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Friday, May 15, 2009


Good afternoon, everyone.

It's been a long but good day with lots of time hearing about
different people' strengths and listening to the dreams of CCF and
what is to come in the next few years. As for the weekend- it was a
good one. Friday night was excellent as I went over to the Arrowood's
house and Tami was kind enough to bake an amazing chocolate cake from
scratch when she found that I had received no cake on my birthday. I
love it when the wrongs of the world are righted by way of dessert.

Yesterday was interesting. I had to get my tire fixed on my car and I
had to somehow get from Union City to East Point to pick up the car
that I have been borrowing. My sweet grandmother gave me the lift.
She is losing her memory quickly and she is getting on up there in her
years and so this made for a very interesting ride. It took about
twice as long as it should have because she avoids all interstates and
she repeated many of the same lines over and over again. I don't mind
that so much because, well, she is my grandmother and I love her a
great deal. I especially like it when we are riding and we pass a
certain place and she recalls a memory from long ago and tells me a
story to go with this house, this church, this park.

For instance, we passed Welcome All Park. It was the place that her
and my grandfather first met. She was only 15 and he was 20 and she
said that he was just "full of it." I asked her what she meant by
that and she said, "Oh, he just thought that he was something else.
He was show boatin'. He was just so full of it."

They were married for 40 something years before he passed away in 92.

Anyway- we finally made it pack to the borrowed van. She leaves and
immediately the sky falls out. It begins to not just rain on me but
to beat down upon me in sheets. I then see that my keys are locked in
the car. The next thing I know, I am standing under this tiny porch
that was about 3x4 feet. It was raining sideways. I'm on the phone
with a Roadside Assistance, but I can't hear the guy because of the
rain and the tornado warning siren that is blaring nearby. I keep
telling him that he has to be speak up but he was being drowned out by
the guy on the intercom somewhere who was yelling, "There is a
tornado! Take shelter immediately!" Luckily I am safely secured
under a 3x4 porch. I tell him to speak louder because there is a
tornado warning and his input was, "Well Sir. If there is a tornado
then you need to get indoors."

Thanks buddy. Thank you for that golden piece of insight. I would
love to be indoors but there are no doors to walk through. No keys.
My keys are locked inside of a van. In a tornado. Could you send
somebody soonish?

That was Sunday.

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