Good Evening.
Here is something that is usually true: Girls are fascinated to watch
guys do regular things that they do. Tying a tie is like this. Have
a woman stand next to you while you tie that knot around your neck and
she will stare in wide-eyed wonder.
I don't know if it lasts forever or not. Maybe it gets to be old-hat
after while and your little rituals of masculinity lose their steely
luster. But for now, it can be hilarious.
For instance: Last night I sat down in the middle of the living room
to shave with an electric razor. The moment that I flicked the switch
upward for buzzing power, there were eyes on me- lots of eyes. And
they were all from the feminine side of the species. Of course the
guys don't care because this is just a part of life, but for them- it
was amazing. They just sat and stared at me for the next ten
minutes. Some asked questions. Others, like Mary Ann, just stared in
the most creepy manner possible.
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