What a night I had. Lukas and I decided to go to the Braves game. I
remember us walking outside, him in a tshirt and a thin jacket, me in
a white button down shirt. I recall Lukas saying "My, it is kind of
chilly out here." We had no idea. It was the coldest game ever. We
were freezing well before the sun went down. The most tragic part was
when we went on a hunt for hot chocolate. Lukas' leg was hurting, so
he was limping. We were walking back (we hadn't found hot chocolate)
and we heard cheering. Apparently, we had just missed a Braves' home
run. It would turn out to be the only run the Braves would score for
the entire evening.
Not only that, but I went on a further search for the hot flowing
magma of chocolate on my own because of Lukas' leg. I was told that I
had to travel below to find it. I searched and searched and found
nothing, so I bought us a couple of coffees.
I thought the coffee at CCF was bad. I thought the instant coffee in
England was bad.
This coffee was terrible. It was as if the coffee, once deposited
into my mouth, sprout legs and began kicking the inside back of my head.
The Braves lost, 5-1.
Somehow, it was really fun. It was one of those times where it was
just so ridiculous that you just have to laugh and laugh
hysterically. As Buechner would say, "It is tragedy turned into
comedy." Sort of.
It was also during this game that I checked my schedule. I had this
nagging feeling that I had to be somewhere this Wednesday afternoon,
but I could not quite put my finger on it. So I go to check. Turns
out that it was not an afternoon appointment that I was forgetting at
It was that I had a meeting with some students at Georgia Tech at
6AM. That's right. Imagine my reaction. So I eventually made it up
to bed and eventually made it back out of the depths of slumber
sometime around 4:40 this morning. It's going to be quite a day.
At least the people that I met with are awesome people. That always
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