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Friday, July 03, 2009

What Was Born On the Fourth of July

A year ago, there were no English folk on this list.  Now, there are quite a few.  So, in the spirit of our impending holiday, allow me to say a few words on Independence Day. 

As you read this, please have in your mind the tune of that song, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic".  If you don't know what that sounds like, here it is: 

(Make sure your speakers are turned up--- Battle Hymn)

Of all of the holidays that adorn our beloved Gregorian calendar system, there are none that have such high and lofty ideals than that of Independence Day.  Sure, there is Christmas, and Christmas is better.  There are presents and there is turkey and ham.  And yes, the Living God was born into the form of a vulnerable baby seeking to grow up and save mankind from the dark depths of evil.  That's pretty good. 

And then there is the 4th of July.  

Many years ago a family would be plowing their fields, burdening their oxen with the weight of a yoke to turn the soil so as to produce a delicious crop to provide the meal to celebrate our independence from the tyranny of King George.  Today, the tradition lives on by burdening our shopping carts at the Publix Supermarket with pre-cut meats and tubs and tubs of hummus.  We saddle those mobile baskets of steel with mustards and relish.  We pile to the rim with cheap beer that no European would dare drink.  

That is what freedom is all about.  

Freedom is about living in a town where everyone drives a golf cart.  Do you think those wily English would have let us have our golf-carts?  Do you think we would have been able to saddle the bridge down by the lake with cart after cart decorated with streamers and flags?  Would they have let us have visors?  Would they have allowed us to create huge explosions in the sky with brilliant colors?  Would the children have been able to squeal with "Ooohhhh.... ahhhhh!" as every burst of fire expelled itself into the sky?  

I think not.  And so we had to fight.  We had to rise up and say, "No more!  We want to crowd around swimming pools and cheer at Nascar events and drive our huge cars on the beach (Daytona only)!  

Our fore-fathers fought so that people could wake up at 4:30 in the morning to run a race through crowded streets so that they could get a t shirt at the end.  

They fought so that we could go stare at a huge rock called "Stone Mountain" and listen to Elvis sing "Glory Glory Halllllleelllujahhh" as Robert E. Lee broke his sword and thus allowing our great Union to be preserved. 

They fought so we could see that scene depicted through giant, colored lasers on the face of the above mentioned rock. 

They fought for the right get out on a boat and drive recklessly around a lake.  They fought so that Me, Buck, and Tison could get into a tiny boat and travel several hours to a gas station, in open water, at night, just to find out that the gas station was closed. 


In all seriousness- They fought for a lot more than that- and for all of our faults, I'm proud of those ideals, and prouder still of the people that risk their lives to protect them.   

Happy Birthday, Kami Burns!  Happy Birthday, Anna Dorminey! 

Jason Tatum.

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