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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On Not Sleeping (Daily Update 428)

So I've had some trouble sleeping lately. This happens to me from time to time and in different ways. I remember back around November and December that I was always waking up in the middle of the night, without fail. It would usually take an hour or so to get back to sleep, but sometimes I would find myself in long g-chat conversations with someone who happened to be up, and the next day I would wonder if I had just dreamt it.

But now it is more of an issue of not being able to go to sleep. I turned out the lights at around 11:15 last night, but it took another hour and a half to actually fall asleep. The first 45 minutes were spent with that common thing that we do: Toss. Turn. Pray to God for sleep to come. Get frustrated. Get riled up. Get angry with God. Change directions in the bed (maybe foot to head?). Use the restroom. Translate Disney songs in my head from English to Spanish. Try to see if I can solve world hunger, right then and there. Begin to really think about life. Tell myself to turn my mind off. Try to stop thinking. Roll over. Adjust pillows. Plot the route of a road trip. Invent characters for a novel. Realize that I'm just recreating the Seven Dwarfs. Try to imagine how I would defend myself against an attacker (Answer: Febreeze in the face). Repeat process. Finally, after about three rounds of that, I throw in the towel, turn on the light, and read until I'm sleepy.

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